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Camel's Hump Farm Summer Camp


Last year's camp was so fun we are doing it again!

This summer we are offering 11 weeks of programming, June 10- August 23, for children age 3 through 14. Campers will experience farm life and study the 9- different ecosystems of the preserve close up. They will learn lots of practical life skills while they make games, track, hunt, fish, farm, forage, cook, build, and create stories, art and music.​


What's New this Year

  • More guest instructors including: a Lenape Educator, art teacher, veterinary intern, professional farmer, herpetologist, environmental scientist, wildlife specialist and more!  

  • Counselor in Training in Environmental Education and/or Environmental Science program for campers age 13-16.

  • Movie making! Campers will add movies to their storytelling and nature journaling!

  • Don't forget to sign up for the Family Campout Camp Closing Ceremony with music and storytelling by our Lenape Educator and a campers' exhibition of the skills that they have learned.


Family Registration & Enrollment​

  • Registration Fee- A one-time fee of $60 is required per family and includes a T-shirt for each camper!

  • Enrollment is very limited. We only accept 40 children each session in order to maintain our low staff to camper ratio.

  • ​Register today to secure your child's spot! 




Hours and Tuition 

Camp is 5 days per week with the exception of the three day week for the  4th of July. 


Full day Sessions 9:00-3:00pm                                $330/child

July 1st - 3rd  9:00- 3:00pm Session                        $200/child


Special Needs 8:30- 12:00                                        $230/child

Littles (age 3-5) 9:00- 12:00                                       $165/child


CIT's 2-week block   8:00-3:30pm                            $225/child


Extended Care available                                      $60/week/child

                               8:00- 9:00am

                               3:00- 5:00pm


(Explorers and Special Needs campers are currently half day sessions, but may be extended dependent on the student)


New! Flexible Payment Option

This year, we’re offering a flexible payment plan for summer camp! If you’re registering for multiple sessions, you can divide the payments over several months. The final payment will be due by June 1. If you’d like to be invoiced monthly, click button below to enroll.





Our Campers are divided by age group- so that we can best meet their individual needs. We offer many opportunities for big sister/big brother joint activities.


Full Day    ages 5+

Preschool (half day 9:00am-12:00)     ages 3-5

Special Needs (8:30am-12:00)    
CITs (8:00am - 3:30)    ages 12+

*All campers must be potty trained​

*Special Needs Campers with greater needs will have a quiet meeting place and earlier arrival time to help them acclimate to camp. They will be integrated with groups based on needs, ability and staffing.


Camp Management

We strive to maintain a 1:4 Staff to Camper ratio for the best care of our campers! 

The Camp Director oversees daily operations

Each group will have a Counselor, Assistant Counselor and 1 or more CIT's/group


Full payment is due 2 weeks before the camp session starts. Please review the Summer Camp Handbook for our refund policy.


Don't let financial difficulties keep your kids from camp-Apply for Dale's Summer Camp Scholarship fund! 


Please review the 2025 Camp Rule Book prior to registration



Session Descriptions

Do not despair if the week of camp you want is full- Every week on the farm is awesome! We always save time for caring for the animals, discovering the secrets of the forest, splashing in the water, reading, journaling, and creating games, art, and food!

All of our weekly themes and activities will be crafted to the age and abilities of our campers. Please let us know if your child has a special gift that they would like to share, or interest that they would like to explore!


Week 1 - Discover the Farm | June 9 - 13 This is a fun Introductory week of exploring, climbing and playing as we learn about Camel's Hump Farm. Learn how to be a good leader identifying wilderness risks and finding safe ways around the forest and water. All campers will make simple first aid packs and practice basic first aid.

Register for Week 1

Week 2 - Meet the Farm Animals | June 16 – 20  Learn how to care for the animals of the farm from daily feeding and grooming to shearing, proper nutrition and even embryology as we prepare to hatch chicks!

Register for Week 2


Week 3 - Discover the Farm the Lenape Way  | June 23 – 27 With the guidance of our Lenape educator,  we will learn how the Lenape lived on the farm long ago. We will learn how to make tools, shelter and games while we plant, cook, forage, track,  practice archery and fish the Lenape way.

Register for Week 3

Week 4 - Let's Go Fishing | June 30 – July 3  Meet a fly fisherman and learn about the Monocacy Creek and all of its' inhabitants from crayfish to trout!  Campers will learn a variety of ways to safely capture and release our friends in the creek .  Be prepared to get wet! 

Register for Week 4

Week 5 - Wonderful Water | July 7 – 11  We’ll design ways to catch, save and clean rainwater from rain barrels to rain gardens. We will learn about the magic of wetlands in cleaning stormwater. We will explore the microscopic world of ponds and creeks. Be prepared for playing in the water!
Register for Week 5

Week 6 - The Art of Nature! | July 14 – 18  Campers will create art and instruments from things they find in nature. Campers will make dyes, brushes and musical instruments, dig and process clay and create a mural based on a Lenape legend.

Register for Week 6

Week 7 - Birds, Bees and Butterflies | July 21 – 25 Meet our Bird Bander and Beekeeper. Hold a living bird in your hand as you learn to identify birds, bees and butterflies by sight, sound and behavior. Learn how to collect and make things from honey.  Build feeders for the fall.
Register for Week 7

Week 8 - The Art of Storytelling | July 28 – August 1  Explore legends and create new ones from our adventures. The campers will write scripts, make costumes and sets and hold a performance at the end of the week for their families! Be prepared to record something priceless!
Register for Week 8

Week 9 - Wild Animals | August 4– 8  Study the animals of the estate- Meet a Game Commission Officer.  Learn to recognize and understand animal behavior, while developing a close relationship to the natural world. Make a sit spot, draw and take nature notes.
Register for Week 9

Week 10 - Meet the Herps-  August 11- 14 Meet a Herpetologist, and learn about our fragile reptile and amphibian friends and why the wetlands are such a very important place! Campers will design and build a Herpetarium for the Arboretum.

​Register for Week 10


Week 11 - Camper's Choice| August 18 – 22 Celebrate the end of summer with a campers' choice week  as we wind down the summer going on our favorite adventures!

Register for Week 11​


July 25th  (rain date July 26th) 7:00- 9:00pm  Fireflies and Night Skies- Come to the Farm for a night hike, campout and sky watch for the Southern Delta Aquariid meteor shower!


August 22  Family Campfire- Campout- Camp Closing Ceremony- Join us for a special evening led by our Lenape Educator as Campers use the knowledge and skills that they have learned to create an authentic Lenape meal, play Lenape games and show the practical and wilderness skills they learned this summer. Families are welcome to camp overnight!


New this year!

Counselor in Training Program (age 12-15) The CIT spaces are limited. CIT's must apply, come for advanced training including first aid, and commit to a minimum 2- week block of training and two weeks of service. CIT hours may count to fulfill community service requirements.


CIT-EE    These Environmental Education CIT's will be trained in environmental education, leadership and conflict resolution.       

                CIT-EE's will serve as assistants to our camp staff with possible transition to paid staff at age 16. 

CIT-ES  The Environmental Science CIT's will be introduced to the natural systems and environmental challenges facing the farm.

               They will work with our Environmental Science Intern to design and conduct a study on the farm or preserve

CIT-BE- The Builder and Egineer CIT's will design and construct a project under the guidance of CHF Staff and guest buiders and


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