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With your contribution, you will receive your name embossed on a leaf on our Giving Tree Sculpture to be installed in the entryway of the Nature Center.
Contributions Levels
Copper: $100- $499
Bronze: $500- $1,999
Gold: $2,000- $4,999
Platinum: $5,000- $10,000
Please donate to the Friends of Johnston, Inc. today!
You Can Donate By
Mailing your check (Payable to The Friends of Johnston, Inc.) to:
1311 Santee Mill Road
Bethlehem PA 18017
Clicking the Donate Button below!
The Friends of Johnston (FoJ) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization campaigning for preservation, restoration and sustainable adaptive reuse of the estate . Donations to the FoJ are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
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